Nerdy Girls

Technology Science Math Music Art Engineering YOU!
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These days, Technology is everywhere….even where we don’t really think about it, like entering a room and turning on a light. Such a simple thing and yet the technology involved in getting the electricity generated and then to your house and to the light bulb is both mysterious and fascinating…..isn’t it? Science is inherent in everything we do and enjoy. How about that delicious pizza you just devoured? That pizza is chock full of chemistry and physics, and once you pop it in your mouth, biology gets involved too! From the reactions of the sugar and yeast for the crust to the importance of temperature in melting the cheese just perfectly...mmmm. Angelina Jolie says she hates math….but wait, do you think she really hates the thrill of calculating that 90% discount on those Louboutin shoes? Music is a mathematical language. Loving music? Then you looooove math too! Sound travels in waves and the waves of harmonious sounds reinforce each other. Wave propagation in mathematics explains how that melody is formed that makes you wanna sing and dance. Science in art? Really? YES! YES! Art is packed full of science everywhere you look—paints, paper, ceramics, glitter. Where else do you see science in art? Engineering feats such as the Hoover Dam or the new Ferris Wheel in Las Vegas are some well-known engineering accomplishments. But how about the engineering that was necessary to design that new lipgloss tube and carefully mix the pigments and polymers to produce that perfect pouty pucker pink? What are YOU curious about?