Nerdy Girls

Imminent Escapades

  • Wednesday, November 11, 2015 12:00-1:00pm Little Red Wagon Coffee Roasters. We are collaborating with the fabulous people at Little Red Wagon to discuss the Science of Coffee. Please join us for an interactive discussion on the impact of growing conditions, roasting parameters and more. Taste testing included. See you at 507 Bond Street!

What the Future Holds

Holy Macaroni do we have oodles of ideas for exciting educational adventures. Workshops, games, schwag…..we’re dreaming and scheming a myriad of whimsical and thrilling explorations on variety of topics*. Please check back frequently as our mental musings come to fruition.

*anti-gravity machines, popsicle stick kayaks and alternative uses for broccoli stems (earrings?). Oh, and also mobile housing units constructed entirely of duct tape. Maybe t-shirts made of glitter and toothpaste? The possibilities are endless.